Posted in Me

A Few Jokes

I don’t feel the need to add any explanation. If you love LOTR, you will understand.

My question for You: Do you enjoy reading comics?



I am a young girl in my teen years, pushing through life with the help and encouragement of my family and friends. But more than that, the Lord God is before me creating a path for me to follow. This blog shows my struggles and victories in life, the things I love or dislike. I hope you enjoy browsing through my blog. Before you leave, I hope you understand more fully how much the Lord Almighty means to me.

5 thoughts on “A Few Jokes

  1. A lot of comics are funny, as well as memes.
    A sense of humor is a quality all should possess and cultivate, feed, grow, expand; it makes for a brighter life.

    Liked by 1 person

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