Posted in Me


One thing that I love (other than chocolate cake and salad) is homemade pizza. That’s right, I said HOMEMADE. Homemade is right there next to homeschool.

My amazing, talented mother made the delicious wholewheat dough, split it into 6 (my family is made up of 5, but she made an extra), and we all made our own pizzas, with the extra.

Mine consisted of:

  1. HOMEMADE dough
  2. HOMEMADE tomato sauce
  3. Shredded cheese
  4. Sausage (HOMECOOKED?)
  5. More shredded cheese
  6. Pepperoni
  7. And more shredded cheese
  8. And—last but not least—olives sliced by moi

That above is how I put it on in layers.

Isn’t it gorgeous?!

Pizza nights like this are a tradition in my family, as well as some other meals (sneak peak on a later post: crêpes).

My question for You: What dinner tradition does your family have?



I am a young girl in my teen years, pushing through life with the help and encouragement of my family and friends. But more than that, the Lord God is before me creating a path for me to follow. This blog shows my struggles and victories in life, the things I love or dislike. I hope you enjoy browsing through my blog. Before you leave, I hope you understand more fully how much the Lord Almighty means to me.

2 thoughts on “Pizza🍕🍕🍕Post!

  1. Yum! I love homemade pizza!!! Ever since I can remember, my mom would make dough in the morning on weekends and let it rise all day. Then when my dad got home from work he made it and we watched a movie with it. We don’t do it anymore and i so miss it.🍕🍕

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